Friday, October 24, 2014


Lesson: Wrap up Unit 4 Learning and Memory


Introduction in to Development


Lesson: Review Learning and Memory

Examples to help Study and Different Scenarios

Review for Test Tomorrow

HW: Test and Notebook due tomorrow

10/23/14 & 10/24/14

Lesson: Memory

Question: Where and How do we store what we have learned?

3rd - 10/23 Eyewitness Testimony Guest Speaker Officer Mr. Bennet

4th- Study Guide Notes on Memory - Discussion and Examples

Flip flop for 10/24

HW: Ad due tomorrow

*Test and Notebook due 10/28


Lesson: Learning and Media

Question- How has media shaped us?

-Ad analysis, due 10/24/14

Introduction to Memory
-Brain Games Memory

HW: Ad due Friday
*Test and Notebook due 10/28

Monday, October 20, 2014


Lesson: Operate Conditioning


-Types of Consequences with examples.

Bring an ad!

Friday, October 17, 2014


Lesson: Learning

-Classical Conditioning

-Operate Conditioning

Bring Magazine or Ad for Monday

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Lesson: Learning

*Learning is achieved through experiences.
** When we learn, we make associations or react to stimuli or our environment. Learning influences our memories, thoughts, and behavior.

-Classical Conditioning - Learning shaped by connections or pairings of stimuli.

 1. -Class Example- A young girl reached out to pet a dog and is bitten by it. This caused the young girl to cry. Now, every time she hears a dog bark, the hair on her arms stand up.

Before Learning-
What is Neutral? (Neutral to the situation) NS-
Unconditioned Stimulus (Before Learning)- UCS-
Unconditioned Response (Before Learning)-UCR-
Conditioned Stimulus-CS-
Conditioned Response-CR-

2 .Now complete the examples on the back of the reading.

3. Next, Read Brave New World and look for the learning that takes place in the reading. Discuss your findings with a partner.

4. Film - National Geographics - Follow the Leader with questions.

HW: Bring school appropriate magazine or advertisement to class on Monday 10/20!


Minimum Day

Lesson: Intro to Learning

Cell Phone Observations Due / Discussion

Classical Conditioning

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Lesson: Wrap up Unit 3

Notebooks Collected

Unit 3 Exam

-Deja Vu Reading

-Learning Scenarios

*Cell Phone Observation due tomorrow!

Monday, October 13, 2014


Lesson: Effects of Addiction

* Sleep / Dream Journal Due Today

1. Finish National Geographics Film on Alcohol

2. Reading and Questions Long-Term Effects of Drugs on the Brain

3. Study Guide

HW: Study for the test and Notebook due tomorrow!
Also, Cell Phone Observations due Wednesday

Friday, October 10, 2014


Lesson: How do people become addicted?

Different types of drugs and the effects textbook 116-121

National Geographics Drugged "Alcohol"

HW: Sleep / Dream Journal Reflection and Chart due Monday; typed reflection

*Unit 3

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Lesson: Review Studies

1. Share Studies and Findings

- Begin Looking at Addiction w/ Cellphones

*Digital Nation
Focus Test / Multitask 

Monday, October 6, 2014


Lesson: Altered States of Consciousness

1. Decoding Dreams
 -Dream Dictionary 

2. Hypnosis and Meditation

*Study and Questions due tomorrow!
**Dream Journals due in a week!!

Friday, October 3, 2014


Lesson: Image / Perception and Unconscious Connections

Guest Speaker - Psychology Lesson

HW: Due 10/7/14 Unit 3 Consciousness Studies and Questions
-Annotate / Read Study and Answer Questions for Discussion on Tuesday

Dream Dictonary

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Lesson: Sleep Disorders & Dreaming

Finish Sleep Disorders Case studies

Look at - Why We Dream? and Analysis

30 Common Dreams 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Unit 3 - Consciousness

Lesson: Why do we sleep (continued)?
    and What do Sleep Disorders look like?

1. Continue to Look at Sleep and the 4 Theories to Support why we sleep (Doc. 5)

2. Sleep Disorders Introduction

3. Group Case Studies - Identifying Sleep Disorders

FYI- 10/2 Finish Case Studies and begin Dreams

10/3 Guest Speaker- Image / Perception
10/6 Dreams / Hypnosis
10/7 Altering Consciousness With Drugs and Alcohol